Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Perry House Magnetic Susceptibility Surveys

Hello everyone, over the last few weeks Beau Kromberg, Travis Corey, and myself have carried out some remote sensing at the Perry House site in Grand Blanc to assist in targeting the archaeological recovery work there. The Perry House was likely the second settlement in Grand Blanc and one of the earliest American homesteads in the Saginaw Valley (1834).

Michigan Archaeological Society member Don Simmons indicated that there was a high possibility of an early midden behind the home as well as a structure in the front lawn. Beau and I surveyed the west lawn with 2 meter intervals and the next week Travis and I tackled the back and front lawns. The higher the readings, the greater the possibility of encountering fire-altered soils and metal artifacts. The results are all oriented north and the grid is in meters.

The Perry House in Grand Blanc Township

Again, like the Rogers Site, I had to remove outliers that were twice the average reading and make a second layer. The all points included layer is on top as a transparency in many of these maps so that all of the significant readings are visible.

The West Lawn of the Perry House. The Home sets behind on a very visible glacial landform with a creek and extensive bottomlands wrapping around it. 

The western portion of the south lawn.

North Lawn of the Perry House